M.S. in MS&E

The interdisciplinary Materials Science and Engineering program provides training leading to the degree of Master of Science in MS&E. Students interested in this program can have backgrounds in engineering disciplines (including: biomedical, civil, chemical, environmental, industrial, materials science, mechanical), applied mathematics, chemistry, geology, and physics. Participating faculty members hold appointments in Chemical and Biomedical EngineeringChemistry and BiochemistryCivil and Environmental EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhysics, and Scientific Computing.

Students enroll in MS&E and the courses for the degree are taught within the participating departments. The curriculum requires core and specialization courses, plus a thesis. The core courses are designed to give students from the various disciplines a common background in materials.

Note: There are no out-of-state tuition waivers available for the Master's of Science (MS) program in Materials Science and Engineering. Therefore, out-of-state applicants or applicants who cannot obtain Florida residency must secure full funding prior to seeking admission into the program. The University may require proof of such funding prior to admitting any student. Please note that application fees are non-refundable, so applicants should ensure that they meet all eligibility requirements prior to submitting an application.

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